For the future, start today.

If you are overwhelmed by having many options for your daughter or son to learn Computer Science, Computing Programming, Artificial Intelligence, etc.
HiCode Education is here to help you.

We are a Comprehensive Course of Digital Competences. This means that each student will learn how IT devices and the latest technologies work. How to program animations, video games, websites, apps and more. And how to be responsible, critical, creative and participatory digital citizens of the digital world in which we live

Our courses are based on educational standards of the most prestigious organizations in the United States and the United Kingdom about Computing for elementary and secondary education.

We are not a course that students forget, we are a study plan that ensures learning throughout life.

First Steps

07 to 11 years

Designed for students in elementary education. This course is their first steps in Computer Science, will develop their computational thinking, logical and improve their creativity.

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Exploring Technology

11 to 15 years

This is an introductory Computer Science course. They will develop their programming skills, they will acquire skills in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, among others, while getting better their critical thinking.

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Computer Science for All

14 to 20 years

The most advanced course in which students will be able to pass any international Computer Science exam. Such as: IGCSE, AP, IB and A levels.

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Why study at HiCode Education?



When our courses are finished, our students will get a HiCode Education certificate and Harvard University Verified Certificate.

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Our Course is based on the most important and demanding US and UK Computer Science standards. This is an international and challenging Course.

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We take the best technology professionals from industry or research, and we constantly train them in Pedagogy. In this way we teach and inspire each student.

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Computer Science has complicated concepts, but our pedagogues team create multiple didactics for those. In this way we guarantee learning.

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We offer academic reports and virtual meetings to learn about the academic progress, strengths and points of improvement of each student. In addition to teaching, we care that they learn.

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At HiCode Education we have a business philosophy and culture that guides us towards excellence, improving our educational service every day. We are committed to doing things right.

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Frequently Answer Questions

What is the curriculum like?

You can view the Study Plan for all our courses through their web pages. HiCode First Steps, HiCode Exploring Technology, and HiCode Computer Science For All.

What programming languages will be taught?

Python and Javascript. Also HTML and CSS.

What kind of projects will the students work on?

We urge students to code programs that they like. The unique instruction that we give them is the main focus of the module. For example, websites when they are in the Internet related module, or artificial intelligence programs when they are in the Artificial Intelligence related module.

What is the student to teacher ratio?

Since HiCode 4.0, all our groups are up to 6 students. With this decision we accomplish our commitment to bring high quality education experience for our students.

What is the cost of the academy?

We have 3 main approaches that you have to choose previous to know the precise cost:
1. International groups, where groups are up to six students.
2. Personalized groups, where groups are of only one student.
3. Private groups, where groups are made up with students selected by the administrator of the private group.
If you want a group with friends from schools, friends of community or other specific groups. You must choose this option.

What kind of resources does HiCode Education provide for students?

We provide an intranet to students with curated information to support their success in their courses.

Why is it important to learn to code?

Programming is a very important skill to have in the 21st century because it allows you to create things that didn't exist before. It's like having a superpower.
1. Problem solving: Programming helps to develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills. It allows individuals to break down complex problems into smaller, manageable tasks and develop solutions through code.
2. Career opportunities: Know to code is a valuable skill that is in high demand in a variety of industries. It can open up a wide range of job opportunities in nearly every industry. If you find out one, please let us know it.
3. Creativity: Programming can be a creative process, allowing individuals to develop and design their own software, apps, and websites. It allows people to bring their ideas to life. Code is like the brush from an artist.
4. Empowerment: Learning to program can empower people to understand and control technology, rather than being controlled and influenced by it.
5. Entrepreneurship: Programming allows individuals to develop their own software, apps, and websites, which can be used to start their own businesses of different industries.

Who are the teachers in HiCode Education?

All our teachers are outstanding professionals working in well-known companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, Meta, etc. In addition to having demonstrated extensive knowledge in at least 2 of the following areas: Computer Science, Pedagogy, Engineering, Education or related. In simple words, our teachers have to demonstrate excellence in: Technical knowledge, Pedagogical skills, Experience in teaching, Creativity, Patience, Flexibility, Mentorship, Professional development, Passion and they are ready to inspire our HiCode students.

What are digital skills?

Digital skills refer to the abilities and knowledge required to use various digital technologies, such as computers, smartphones, the internet, and software applications. These skills can include basic computer and cybersecurity literacy, such as the ability to use a keyboard and mouse, as well as more advanced skills like coding, video game development, website development, apps development, data analysis, and cybersecurity. Digital skills can be used in various fields, such as business, education, healthcare, and entertainment, and are becoming increasingly important in today's technology-driven society.

Only by learning to program do girls and boys acquire the digital skills?

Learning to program is one way to acquire digital skills, but it is not the only way. There are many other ways to acquire digital skills, such as learning how to use different software, understanding how to navigate the internet, or learning how to use different digital devices.
Programming is a specific digital skill that involves writing code and creating software, but it is not the only digital skill that is important. Understanding how to use digital tools and technology is becoming increasingly important in today's society, and there are many ways to acquire these skills other than learning to program. For example, digital literacy classes, workshops, online tutorials or self-study can also provide digital skills.
It is important to note that digital skills are not only important for computer science or technology-related fields, but also for many other areas such as education, healthcare, finance, business, and more. Therefore, providing girls and boys with the opportunity to learn about digital skills, regardless of the way, is important for their future success.

Is it important that children and youths acquire digital skills?

Yes, it is important that children and youths acquire digital skills.
In today's society, digital technology is an integral part of daily life and is becoming increasingly important in various fields, such as education, healthcare, finance, and business. Having digital skills can open up a wide range of job opportunities and can help individuals to be more productive and efficient in their daily lives.
Moreover, digital skills can help children and youths to be better prepared for the future, as the use of technology continues to advance and become more prevalent in society. It can also empower them to understand and control technology, rather than being controlled by it.
Acquiring digital skills can also have a positive impact on children and youths' personal and professional development, allowing them to be more creative, innovative and to have a greater ability to solve problems.
In addition, digital skills can also provide children and youths with the opportunity to participate in the digital economy, create their own digital products and services, and even start their own businesses.
Therefore, providing children and youths with the opportunity to learn about digital skills is important for their future success and their ability to fully participate in today's digital world.

Is my children's school teaching digital skills?

Here are a few ways to determine if your school is developing your digital skills correctly: 1. Check the curriculum or Study Plan: Look at the courses offered by the school and see if they include digital skills such as digital literacy, cybersecurity literacy, digital balance website development, game development, how computers, internet, data, artificial intelligence work. Also check if the school is using updated technology, resources, and teaching methods.
2. Ask teachers: Talk to your teachers and ask them about their qualifications and experience in teaching digital skills. Get their opinion on how well the school is preparing you for the digital world.
3. Look at the school's resources: Check if the school has access to the latest technology and software, and if the school provides students with access to online resources and tutorials.
4. Check for extracurricular activities: See if the school offers any extracurricular activities or clubs that focus on digital skills, such as coding and/or computer science. Robotics is good but is not enough.
5. Check the results: Look at the school's track record of student success in digital skills, and check if the students who have completed the digital skills program have been successful in their future studies or careers.
6. Ask for feedback: Ask for feedback from other students who have completed the program or from graduates of the school.
By following these tips, you can get a better idea of how well your school is developing your digital skills and if they are preparing you for the digital world.

When can children start coding?

Children can start learning coding at a young age, as early as age 5 or 6. There are a variety of resources available for children to learn programming, such as educational programming languages, games, and visual environments that make it easy for children to start coding. Only be careful with the time of exposure to screen.
It's important to remember that children of different ages will have different learning needs, so the level of complexity and the type of programming language used will vary depending on the child's age and level of understanding.
For young children, it can be a good idea to start with visual programming languages, such as Scratch or Blockly, which allow children to create programs by dragging and dropping blocks of code. These environments make it easy for children to see the results of their code and to understand the basic concepts of programming.
As children get older and have a better understanding of programming concepts, they can move on to more complex programming languages such as Python or JavaScript.
Overall, the most important thing is to provide children with a fun, engaging and age-appropriate learning experience. With a special attention in early age 5 to 9 when we suggest the supervision of specialists in pedagogy and/or developmental psychology. Knowing to code is not synonymous with knowing how to teach digital skills.
It's also important to note that programming is not just about writing code, it's also about logic, problem-solving and critical thinking, so even if children are not yet ready to write code, they can still start developing these skills through various activities or games. This is the reason because in HiCode Education, we teach programming more than coding.

Do I need to buy some kind of software license?

No, all the software that we use is free or open source.

What class times are available?

Depending on your time zone. Please, contact us to tell you available class times.

What do I need to be able to take the course?

A desktop or laptop and Internet connection. Additionally, camera, headphones and microphone for classes to be more active. The softwares that will be needed during the modules will be properly installed by students.

I have an old computer, will I be able to connect to the online classes?

Normally, our classes do not need high computational features. However, you can contact us so that a specialist can answer you with precision.

When can I enroll?

When you decide that we are the best option for your kids. Please contact us as soon as possible. We admit a limited quantity of students to maintain our high quality educational experience.

Can the online modality be difficult for new students to follow?

Our methodology is 100% playful, active and designed for online education synchronously. HiCode Education was born in virtuality and we research in developing our virtual experience every month.

My children do not want to follow a higher education related to digital technology. Why should they develop digital skills? Would your courses benefit them?

Digital skills are becoming increasingly important in today's society, regardless of the career path that your children choose to pursue. Having a strong understanding of digital technology can help them to be more productive and efficient in their daily lives.
Here are a few reasons why developing digital skills can be beneficial for your children:
1. Digital skills can increase employability: Having digital skills can make your children more competitive in the job market and open up a wide range of job opportunities.
2. Digital skills can enhance creativity: Programming and digital skills can help children to be more creative, innovative and to have a greater ability to solve problems.
3. Digital skills can improve problem-solving skills: Programming helps to develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills, which can be beneficial in any field.
4. Digital skills can empower children: Understanding and controlling technology can empower children to be more in charge of their own lives and be able to adapt to the digital world.
As for my courses, they are designed to provide a fun and interactive learning experience, and the curriculum and teaching methods are adapted to the students' age and level. My courses can provide your children with the opportunity to develop digital skills and improve their problem-solving and critical thinking abilities, regardless of their future career path.
It's important to remember that digital skills are not only important for computer science or technology-related fields, but also for many other areas, like business, education, healthcare, and more. Therefore, providing your children with the opportunity to learn about digital skills can be beneficial for their future success and their ability to fully participate in today's digital world.

Can I enroll in HiCode Education from any country?

As our mission indicates, we want to avoid a greater educational gap in in terms of digital skills, so you can enroll from any country.

Are face-to-face classes better than virtual classes?

Whether face-to-face classes or virtual classes are better depends on the context, the student's needs and the quality of the instruction. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages.
face-to-face classes offer the advantage of face-to-face interaction between the teacher and students, which can facilitate communication and engagement. Additionally, face-to-face classes can provide a more structured learning environment, and students have access to resources such as labs, equipment, and libraries.
On the other hand, virtual classes offer flexibility and convenience, as students can access the classes from anywhere. It also allows for a larger pool of students to attend and can provide a more diverse set of educational opportunities. In some cases virtual classes allow students in developing countries access to high quality teachers. Virtual classes can also save on transportation costs and provide more efficient use of time.
It's also important to note that the quality of the instruction, resources, and support provided, both in face-to-face and virtual classes, is crucial for students' learning. It's important to ensure that the teaching material and methods are adapted to the students' age and level and that the teachers are well-prepared and have the necessary competences.