This introductory computer science course for kids is the perfect way to introduce them to the exciting world of technology. This is a computational thinking-focused course in which students will learn from how computers work until how to code and create their own video games, animations, websites and artificial intelligence programs. This course aims to develop problem-solving skills and a love for technology that will stay with them for a lifetime.
Certification: HiCode Education and Harvard University.
Students from 07 to 11 years old.
Maximum per class: 01 students.
Online and live classes: 2 times/week.
Course duration: 12 months.

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Modules HiCode First Steps

Learn more about what our students learn during HiCode First Steps.


Can I code video games?

Duration: 3 months

In this module, students will learn to express their ideas and solve problems through the development of programs using simple sequences and loops, and describe how internal and external parts of the computing devices work to form a computational system.


> Digital Citizenship I
> Computational thinking I
> Programming I
> Blocks programming I
> Video game design I
> Impact of computing in society I
> Final project


What can my computer do?

Duration: 3 months

In this module, they will explore the computing technologies that have changed the world and determine possible solutions to solve simple hardware and software problems using problem-solving strategies.


> Digital Citizenship II
> Computational thinking II
> Programming II
> Blocks programming II
> Animation design I
> Cybersecurity I
> Final project


Is Internet another World?

Duration: 3 months

In this module they will learn basic concepts about the Internet and networks. They will learn how to make fun and interactive projects that will reinforce what they will learn about online safety. In the end of the module, they will be able to understand HTML and CSS and will be able to develop their own web pages.


> Digital Citizenship III
> Computational Thinking II
> Programming III
> HTML and CSS
> Cybersecurity II
> Impact of computing in society II
> Final project


Can a computer be intelligent?

Duration: 3 months

In this module they will have their first approach to Artificial Intelligence and will apply all the acquired knowledge of Computer Science during the previous modules developing an integrating final project based on their interests.


> Digital Citizenship IV
> Computational Thinking IV
> Programming IV
> Cybersecurity III
> Artificial Intelligence
> Impact of computing in society III
> Final project

Why study at HiCode Education?



When our courses are finished, our students will get a HiCode Education certificate and Harvard University Verified Certificate.

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Our Course is based on the most important and demanding US and UK Computer Science standards. Being an international and challenging Course.

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We take the best technology professionals from industry or research, and the We constantly train in Pedagogy. In this way we teach and inspire each student.

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Computer Science has complex concepts, but our team of pedagogy It is responsible for creating multiple didactics for complicated concepts. Of that way we guarantee learning.

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We offer academic reports and virtual meetings to learn about the advance academic, strengths and points of improvement of each student. In addition to teaching, we We care that they learn.

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At HiCode Education, we have a business philosophy and culture that directs us towards excellence, improving our educational service day to day. We are committed to doing things right

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At the end of the course, our students are able to:

  1. Design, program and fix errors in computer programs with specific and general purposes.
  2. Solve computational and real-life problems, breaking them down into small parts.
  3. Use sequence, selection and repetition in computer programs. Program with variables and various both digital and physical forms of input and output.
  4. Use logical reasoning to explain the operation of computational algorithms and real life.
  5. Use 1 block programming language.
  6. Understand 1 programming language.
  7. Understand how computers interconnect giving rise to the internet. differentiate it from the World Wide Web and discuss the opportunities it offers in terms of: collaboration, communication, fun and solving problems of global impact.
  8. Use search tools effectively, understand how their results are selected and ordered according to their own information. Being able to discern and evaluate the content digital to differentiate between true, doubtful and false information.
  9. Select, use and combine a number of softwares (including the softwares in the cloud) on a range of devices to create systems that allow real problems to be solved.
  10. Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly. recognize a behavior acceptable and not acceptable on the internet. Choosing the right software for your needs real.
  11. Be able to define yourself and balance your life in the digital world.
  12. Understand how Artificial Intelligence algorithms work and impact our society.


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