This computer science course covers the fundamentals of programming and algorithms with Python and JavaScript, as well as the fundamentals of computer hardware and software. The course also covers topics such as software development, web development, and mobile app development. The course also includes projects where students can apply the concepts and techniques they have learned. The course is designed to prepare students for further study in computer science at the college level, or to give them a solid and comprehensive foundation in the field for future careers or personal projects.
Certification: HiCode Education and Harvard University.
Compatibility with international certification: This course is also a perfect preparation for students to get certifications from Cambridge (UK), IB (International), Pearson (UK) or College Board (USA).
Students from 14 to 20 years old.
Maximum per class: 06 students.
Online and live classes: 2 times/week.
Course duration: 21 months.

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Modules of HiCode Computer Science for all

Learn more about what our students learn during the HiCode course Computer Science for all.



Duration: 3 months

In this module, students will learn how computers store information such as numbers, text, images and will investigate and talk about the impacts of digitalization of the information in the world around us.


> Data and information I
> Programming I
> Computer System I
> Research I
> Intellectual property and copyright I
> Impact of computing in society I
> Final project


How does our data travel THROUGH INTERNET?

Duration: 2 months

In this module, you will learn how the Internet works and investigate and discuss its impacts on politics, culture, and economy of different societies.


> Internet and cybersecurity I (AWS)
> HTML and CSS
> Javascript
> Programming II
> Research II
> Impact of computing in society II
> Final project


Is an App a software?

Duration: 2 months

In this module, you will design your first application while learning the two fundamental concepts programming and collaborative processes in software development.


> Application Design I
> Programming III
> Troubleshooting Process I
> Computational Thinking I
> Impact of computing in society III
> Final project


Where are there algorithms?

Duration: 2 months

In this module, students will deepen into application development, increasing the ability to storing information, making decisions and better organizing their code.


> Application Design II
> Programming IV
> Troubleshooting Process II
> Data and information II
> Impact of computing in society IV
> Final project


Is cloud computing solving Real-World challenges?

Duration: 2 months

The aim of this module is to provide students with a basic understanding of cloud computing, its applications and importance, and help them to become responsible and informed users of technology.


> Cloud Computing (AWS)
> Programming V
> Computer System II
> Data and information III
> Impact of computing in society V
> Final project


Can I change the world with programming?

Duration: 2 months

In this module, students will design and analyze algorithms to understand how they work and why some are more efficient than others.


> Programming VI
> Computational system III
> Computational Mathematics
> Computational Thinking I
> Final project


How can AI change the world?

Duration: 2 months

In this module, they will investigate the impact of artificial intelligence on society and develop machine learning algorithms.


> Artificial intelligence I
> Programming VII
> Computer System IV
> Computational Thinking II
> Final project


Personal information or Internet information?

Duration: 2 months

This module explores data privacy on the internet and the importance of allowing who has access to their personal information and how it is used.


> Data and information IV
> Programming VIII
> Computational system V
> Artificial Intelligence II
> Impact of computing in society VII
> Final project


Is blockchain safe?

Duration: 2 months

In this module, you will discover blockchain technology and research and discuss its impact in the economy and different societies.


> Blockchain I
> Digital Citizenship I
> Data and information V
> Internet and Cybersecurity II (AWS)
> Impact of computing in society VIII
> Final project


How to build a successful Startup?

Duration: 2 months

Expanding the creativity of each student to identify problems in the real world is the objective of this module. But also the design and prototype of an innovative, scalable and responsible solution.


> Startup
> Blockchain II
> Digital Citizenship II
> Impact of computing in society IX
> Final project

Why study at HiCode Education?



When our courses are finished, our students will get a HiCode Education certificate and Harvard University Verified Certificate.

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Our Course is based on the most important and demanding US and UK Computer Science standards. Being an international and challenging Course.

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We take the best technology professionals from industry or research, and the We constantly train in Pedagogy. In this way we teach and inspire each student.

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Computer Science has complex concepts, but our team of pedagogy It is responsible for creating multiple didactics for complicated concepts. Of that way we guarantee learning.

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We offer academic reports and virtual meetings to learn about the advance academic, strengths and points of improvement of each student. In addition to teaching, we We care that they learn.

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At HiCode Education, we have a business philosophy and culture that directs us towards excellence, improving our educational service day to day. We are committed to doing things right

At the end of the course, our students are able to:

  • Develop and apply your logical, computational, lateral and divergent to solve real problems of diverse industrial nature and/or investigative.
  • Design, use, and evaluate computational abstractions that model state and behavior of real-world problems and computer systems.
  • Understand and recognize the various types of computer systems, both general purpose What specific. How do they interact with each other and how interact between systems.
  • Analyze, understand and propose computational algorithms that reflect their thinking computational. Can compare between different algorithm alternatives for the same problem thus reflecting his lateral and divergent thinking.
  • Use at least 2 programming languages.
  • Understand BlockChain technology and how it is used to solve problems economic and safety of the information.
  • Understand and differentiate between the various Artificial Intelligence algorithms that they solve problems real in our society and propose Artificial Intelligence algorithms according to the nature of the problem.
  • Identify how Artificial Intelligence is used in various industrial fields and Of the investigation. Implement Artificial Intelligence to your computational solution in a actual context.
  • Undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications and computing devices.
  • Discover and understand the various ways to use technology safely, respectfully and responsible, and learn to protect their identity and privacy.
  • Recognize inappropriate content and conduct. Discern between information on the internet false, doubtful and true. Defining yourself and balancing your life in the digital world.
  • Understand how technological changes affect safety, including new paths to protect your privacy and identity online.


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Certificates and diplomas

At the end of the course, our students will be able to obtain a certification from the following institutions, in addition to the one granted by HiCode Education.